Maritime Law
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Maritime Law (also known as Admiralty Law) is a separate body of law governing a variety of maritime-related disputes. Individuals working in the maritime industry are at a higher risk of injuries due to their scope of work, so following best maritime safety guidelines is key to staying safe in their role.
The Lanier Law Firm has represented a broad range of clients in numerous Jones Act (Seaman’s injury) cases; cargo carriage disputes; oil spills; water pollution claims; vessel financing, operation, construction and re-building disputes; maritime liens; commercial/contractual claims (including charter parties); and a variety of other maritime disputes.
The maritime lawyers at The Lanier Law Firm have a broad wealth of knowledge concerning this area of law, including advanced degrees and specialized maritime law designations.
Our lawyers have achieved substantial resolutions on behalf of hundreds of clients in maritime disputes, including:
- A ship’s captain who had been wrongfully fired by the vessel’s owners and denied his wages and completions bonus;
- Disabling personal injuries sustained by crew members on both ocean-going and “brown water” vessels;
- Numerous personal injury claims of crew members and dock workers related to loading and unloading ships, hazardous conditions on deck and in shipboard compartments, and numerous unseaworthy conditions aboard ship;
- A ship owner whose ship was sunk and totally lost with all cargo still aboard as a result of negligent loading and securing of the cargo;
- Pollution claims resulting from oil escaping a sunken vessel;
- Vessel hull, defective design, poor workmanship and related claims resulting in loss of vessels, both commercial and recreational;
- The widow and family of a commercial seaman who drowned when the ship he was working on capsized and sank, as well as a mariner / passenger who was injured in the same accident during a negligent rescue attempt;
- Inland rivers crew members injured while working on pushboats; and
- Numerous seamen working on vessels doing offshore oilfield-related work.
- The Lanier Law Firm filed one of the first class action lawsuits on behalf of Louisiana residents and workers affected by the highly publicized BP oil spill that was caused by the Deepwater Horizon explosion.
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