Mesothelioma Financial Assistance

Many patients need mesothelioma financial assistance to help cover doctor and hospital bills, related treatments, copays, deductibles, travel, and lodging expenses, even if they have insurance. Mesothelioma patients can secure financial help from several public and private sources. The Lanier Law Firm can help you explore your options, such as claiming against an asbestos trust fund or filing a lawsuit against asbestos manufacturers and others.

Legally Reviewed By: Darron E. Berquist
Managing Attorney | Mesothelioma & Asbestos

Legally Reviewed By: Darron Berquist
Managing Attorney | Mesothelioma & Asbestos

The cost of mesothelioma treatment is very high, and even people with insurance can struggle with the costs. There are copays and often travel expenses to go to a mesothelioma specialist or treatment center, and you have to worry about reaching the limits of your policy or your insurance company denying a claim.

There are several mesothelioma financial assistance options and insurance that can help relieve your financial burden. These programs help with medical bills and other costs associated with mesothelioma treatment.

The award-winning attorneys at The Lanier Law Firm can also help you determine if you qualify for a claim against an asbestos trust fund or if filing a lawsuit best suits your needs.

Financial Assistance Options for Mesothelioma Treatment

You can seek several types of financial assistance to help cover the cost of mesothelioma treatment. Combining funding from several sources can also help make your expenses more manageable.

Health Insurance Coverage

The first place to turn for help is your existing insurance coverage. Private and public health insurance covers mesothelioma treatment, though that coverage varies and often doesn’t include associated costs.

Private Health Insurance Plans

In 2021,  just over 91 percent of people in the U.S. had health insurance coverage. Approximately 68 percent of them were enrolled in private group or non-group plans. Many private insurance plans require that you stay within a network to avoid additional fees. This can be an expensive prospect for mesothelioma patients who need specialized care.

Couple receiving financial assistance

Medicare and Medicaid

Medicare is federal health insurance for people 65 and older or with specific disabilities. Medicaid is a federal and state-run program for people with limited income. There are eligibility differences between Medicare and Medicaid, and if you start on Medicaid, you must switch to Medicare if you become eligible.

Several costs are associated with Medicare, such as premiums, deductibles, and coinsurance. There are additional charges if you choose a Medicare supplemental plan.

There are federal rules for Medicaid, but states decide eligibility and benefits. Review mandatory and optional Medicaid benefits and talk to the state office where you applied to get specific information about your mesothelioma coverage.

Medicare and Medicaid pay some costs, but some mesothelioma patients still need additional financial help.

Workers' Compensation Benefits

If you were exposed to asbestos on the job and developed mesothelioma or another asbestos-related disease, workers’ compensation for mesothelioma may be an option. Workers’ compensation is a no-fault insurance policy employers purchase to cover employees’ work-related injuries and illnesses. The benefits generally include partial wage replacement and free medical care for job-related injuries or illnesses.

The rules for workers’ compensation vary by state and determine when and for how long you are eligible to make a claim.

Contact an experienced attorney from The Lanier Law Firm to find out if you are eligible for workers’ compensation for your mesothelioma and how to apply. If your claim is denied, we can help you fight for your rightful benefits.

Veterans Benefits

If you served in the military and did not have a less-than-honorable discharge, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs offers veterans benefits for mesothelioma. Members of the military may have been exposed to asbestos during combat, in their barracks, and on bases.

The VA assigns a disability rating based on the severity of service-connected conditions. The VA uses this rating to determine eligibility for VA health care, financial compensation, and other benefits. Veterans with mesothelioma can apply for a VA disability rating. If you file a successful claim for veterans asbestos exposure that led to mesothelioma, you receive monthly compensation and VA medical care.

Mesothelioma Trust Funds and Legal Compensation

The dangers of asbestos exposure became more widely known in the late 1970s, and asbestos product manufacturers and distributors started going bankrupt. As part of their bankruptcy proceedings, many manufacturers had to contribute to asbestos trust funds to compensate future victims. You may be eligible to file a claim against one of these funds.

You can also seek mesothelioma compensation through a civil lawsuit. Asbestos manufacturers and suppliers knew asbestos was dangerous and continued selling their products. The companies responsible for exposing you to asbestos owe you financial compensation for your pain, suffering, distress, and financial losses. With the help of an experienced attorney, you may win compensation for the harm those companies caused you.

Partner with our experienced mesothelioma attorneys at The Lanier Law Firm to determine which type of mesothelioma claim best fits your needs and the circumstances of your case.

Mesothelioma Financial Aid Organizations

The Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation offers financial assistance for mesothelioma patients through its Patient Travel Grant Program. Grants help cover costs for a patient and one caregiver when they travel for an initial consultation or to participate in a clinical trial.

The American Cancer Society offers the Road to Recovery program, providing free round-trip rides to cancer-related medical appointments. It also provides patients a free place to stay after traveling long distances for cancer treatment through Hope Lodge.

Several organizations offer free flights to cancer patients traveling to treatment, such as:

Tips for Managing and Reducing Mesothelioma Treatment Costs

Doing some research can help you manage your mesothelioma treatment costs by cutting down your overall medical expenses along with travel and other fees. Talk to your primary care physician before making final decisions about your care.

Research and Compare Treatment Centers

Your doctor can advise you about the best places for treatment, and you can use online tools to find mesothelioma specialists and treatment centers. Consider the factors most important to you, such as overall cost and the distance from your friends and family. 

Seek Second Opinions

When you receive a mesothelioma diagnosis, obtaining a second opinion could lead to less expensive care or treatment options. It can also give you clarity regarding your diagnosis. Mesothelioma is a very aggressive cancer, so if you seek a second opinion, do so quickly so as not to delay treatment.

Utilize Patient Assistance Programs and Drug Discounts

You may find help paying for your prescriptions through state pharmaceutical assistance programs or those offered directly by drug companies. Always talk to your doctor before you change medications to maximize cost savings.

Negotiate Medical Bills and Payment Plans

You may be able to negotiate the final cost of your mesothelioma treatment or set up payment plans for your medical bills. Double-check the terms of any payment plans for interest charges that may apply immediately or be deferred.

Explore Clinical Trials and Research Studies

The National Cancer Institute maintains an updated list of treatment clinical trials for mesothelioma. Talk to your doctor to help determine if a clinical trial is a good fit for you. If you become part of a clinical trial, you may still have associated travel and lodging costs.

The cost of mesothelioma treatment can be very high due to the intensive treatment this aggressive cancer requires. If you and your family need financial assistance, an experienced mesothelioma attorney can help you find the best avenues for pursuing compensation.

How The Lanier Law Firm Can Help With Mesothelioma Treatment Costs

Our award-winning attorneys at The Lanier Law Firm have over 30 years of experience helping individuals and their families file mesothelioma claims. We can help you determine whether to apply for a portion of a bankruptcy trust or file a mesothelioma lawsuit.

We are a leading national mesothelioma law firm recognized by U.S. News & World Report and Super Lawyers. Positive case results for our clients include:

$7 million for a Louisiana man who developed mesothelioma from asbestos exposure

$4.5 million for a man who contracted mesothelioma from two years of asbestos exposure

$3.7 million for a man with mesothelioma exposed to asbestos in the Navy

Contact The Lanier Law Firm to learn more about your legal options to help with mesothelioma treatment costs.

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