Attorney Spotlight – Caroline McLeod

Each month, we like to feature one of our attorneys to help you get to know our team better. We sat down with one of our Houston attorneys, Caroline McLeod, to talk about her background in the legal field and what she is currently working on.


What is your specific title?

I am a third-year associate attorney in the Issues and Appeals section.

What led you to a legal career?

Both of my parents are attorneys, so I guess you could say it runs in the family!

What has been your most interesting or memorable case and why?

I would have to say the talc case. Not only was it a monumental victory for the plaintiffs and their families, but I also actually worked on this case when I clerked for the firm in 2017. That research assignment really sparked my interest in mass tort litigation, and it was extremely gratifying to later work on the appeal as a new attorney.

What litigations or projects are you currently working on?

I feel fortunate to be part of the team working on international human rights cases, and I look forward to the opportunity to secure justice for those plaintiffs.

What are one or two things about you that most people don’t know?

I am an avid equestrian and have been riding since I was five years old. I recently purchased a horse, Roman, so I spend most of my evenings at the stables.