National News Outlets Cover the Antitrust litigation Against Google

Mark Lanier and the Business Litigation team of The Lanier Law Firm have been retained as trial counsel by the state of Texas in antitrust litigation against Google. The 130-page lawsuit, filed on December 16 in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Texas and joined by nine other state attorneys general, alleges the tech giant engages in anticompetitive practices in dominating the online display advertising market. See what media outlets are saying about the case.


Attorneys representing the Texas-led coalition of attorneys general suing Google over its display advertising business are under orders from their lead counsel not to use Gmail for fear the company could somehow mine emails to its advantage.


Texas and nine other states sued the search and advertising company in mid-December, accusing it of breaking antitrust law in how it dominates all steps in placing digital advertising. Publishers complain that one result has been lower revenues.